What would life feel like without the over whelm of clutter?

Your brain wants you to believe that you will feel better when you’ve got your surroundings and belongings tidied up, organized and under your control.  The truth is we live in a chaotic and disordered world and about the only thing we can control is how we feel about it.

“Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor – it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living, whether it’s in your home, in your head, in your heart or on your hips” – Peter Walsh

What is the life you want to be living?

I am a Christian wife and mom of two wonderful boys. I used to feel a lot of shame and frustration over that fact that I struggled with successfully managing my home.  I knew my distracted thinking and disorganization was keeping me from the things I treasure about life; like my faith and my family and my free time.  I mean how many weekends can you spend trying to organize your stuff?  And what’s going on with your family and your life while you are trying to “get it together”?

Today I still have times where the piles get away from me, the dishes stack up or the kids (or dogs) mess up the house I just cleaned. But now I know how to be at peace with the flow of life and I know that managing my mind is just as important (often more) than managing the mess.

Why I love this work.

I understand how someone can have shelves of organizing books and still not be organized. I love helping people figure out what’s going on in their mind, so they can see why they have the results they do in their life.  I’m sure you don’t need anymore “how to books” you just need to apply what you already know.

I am proud to be a Certified Life and Weight Coach through The Life Coach School.   I can teach you tools you can use to transform any overwhelmed area of your life. I run my life and my business with this philosophy: To serve, love and learn with grace, gratitude and grit.

This is important work. Your life is not waiting for you. Let’s get together.

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