Five Questions to Guide You to Repelling Clutter!

There is a crazy abundance of items, activities and streams of information available to you every minute of every day! Sometimes your brain gets stuck in consume mode and the items you purchased, the groups you joined and the endless stream of news and social media that you sought out for pleasure and relaxation only create stress and overwhelm.

Major Types of Clutter


A schedule overcrowded with commitments and activities, often not in alignment with our true priorities.


Repetitive thinking patterns leading to undesired results.


An excess of material items, often in disarray.


Overexposure and overconsumption of digital media.

Do you recognize any of these in your life?

Your typical brain chatter may sound something like this:  “How will I sort this all out?” “When will this ever be done?” “Why is there never enough time?” “What is my problem?”

Usually only the symptoms of clutter are addressed with limited and temporary results. You see examples of these all the time: “use it or lose it”, “when in doubt throw it out”, “break it down into smaller tasks” and so on.  The key to solving this issue is to create patterns of thinking and action that repel clutter naturally.

How to really know what to keep and what to get rid of.

Create peace even before you declutter. 

Spend your time and energy wisely.

Make decisions based on your true priorities. 

Get the Five Questions to Guide You to Repelling Clutter today.
Get my Five Questions to Guide You to Repelling Clutter and you can be on your way to peace in the midst of it all.

This is important work. Your life is not waiting for you. Let’s get together.

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